1 min read
26 Oct


Finding love again, after a loss of a spouse either through divorce or death, the end of a relationship can be something that comes with much apprehension. Depending upon the circumstances, some may find it hard to get involved in another relationship. Even if you had a bad break up or good relationship, it is still scary venturing out and finding another relationship. I must admit, that after my husband passed away, I felt like I was shot out of a cannon because I have not been single in over 30 years. I basically shut down after the passing of my husband and I was not looking for a relationship, I was focused on my finding myself, and to maintain my positivity to keep being strong and living life after losing my spouse. Unexpectedly, I found love again. I remarried and found happiness. I was so elated and surprised having met a man that I could be transparent with, not hide who I am, and feel like me again. Love Is Not Perfect, Love Is Not Blind, Love is About being able to be free, having faith and being open to all the possibilities that life has to offer. Love happens when you least expect it and you don't have to question it, because it is meant to be. If you are going to find happiness in a new relationship, just go with it, work on it, to keep it flowing. Happiness is not set-in stone; you must want happiness and build your happiness. Love is an ongoing learning process, which incorporates happiness.